Internet of Things (IoT), that shares many characteristics of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication, is a crucial part of the expansion of the Internet or the Web to also equipment. Key properties are potentially millions of sensors and centralization of data collection and use.
To mention a few examples of uses of IoT:
- weather stations that autonomously (or on demand) report current weather status
- trucks, boats, containers etc that tell where they are and whether they are feeling fine
- dogs, cats, children and elderly (not necessarily in that priority order) that also tell where they are and how they feel without having to do it themselves (necessarily)
- home control and health care at the home, a quickly evolving business and interest area
- industry equipment that is monitored remotely
- big text/image displays that get new content over the air
- etc etc
The peripheral devices in an IoT solution often support mobile radio, but increasingly also other radio technologies like LoRa that are much more power efficient.
As wireless communication and the Internet are being used, IoT devices, IoT systems, service operators and end-users can be anywhere in the world.
Working with IoT related projects is part of Abiro’s business, primarily in terms of visualisation and analysis, so if you are interested in getting help with that, please let us know. Practical offerings in this area are among others: