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Abiro IoT

Log and visualize your IoT data

Turn your aggregated IoT data into useful and understandable logs, lists, charts, and maps, filtered on time and sensors.

Select one or more sensors to watch. Follow data over time via automatic log, list, chart and map updates. Select among pre-defined time windows, or choose start and end time exactly. Move between visualization modes without losing settings. Download data based on made selections.

Abiro IoT is integrated with Sensative‘s IoT platform YggioMicrosoft Power BI and Google Data Studio.

Use Microsoft Power BI, Google Data Studio or your favorite spreadsheet application for further analysis of sensor data, in real-time via a streaming dataset or based on downloads from Abiro IoT.

Access is provided to Abiro and Sensative customers on request. There’s no self-service registration at the time being.


Developed fully by Abiro AB, primarily during March-April 2019, in collaboration with Sensative AB.