Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Licensing
- Main Form
- Main Menu
- Select Buddies
- Manage Buddies
- Phrases
- Setup
- Compatibility
Jiminy! SMS is a simple to use tool for chatting via SMS. Your buddies are identified by their phone numbers, and you can easily look up contacts in your phone book to add as buddies.
It’s most useful if you have a subscription with free SMSs. It uses your existing SMS service, so whatever you are charged for that will be the same for Jiminy! SMS. If it’s nothing, then it’s nothing for Jiminy! SMS too.
Similar to other chat applications it will store messages in a chat log and you can set up buddies and phrases for easy access. You can also set up how you should get notified of new messages etc. All settings (in Buddies, Phrases and Setup) are saved persistently, so you can safely exit the application without losing any data, including the latest messages in the chat log.
As messages sent from Jiminy! don’t arrive in the normal Inbox of the recipient’s phone, all involved in a Jiminy! chat session must use Jiminy!.
If your phone supports it, Jiminy! can automatically start on incoming messages addressed to Jiminy!. This means you can exit Jiminy! and still get notified of new messages from other users.
During download and installation you should respond ‘Yes’ to all questions asked. That includes ‘Allow application to receive messages?’ and possible other messages (actual text depends on phone and language).
Once installation has been completed you should change the permission for Messaging to ‘never ask’, or at least ‘ask once’. You reach the permissions for Jiminy! SMS by scrolling down to it in the application menu and then selecting More (or similar) and then Permissions / Messaging.
When you start Jiminy! SMS for the first time there will be no buddies configured. Set up one or more so that you can start chatting. You may then use ‘Recommend’ to send them information about where to download Jiminy! SMS.
It’s recommended that all participants set a short ‘Alias’ or activate ‘Show number or buddy’ to distinguish who sent messages. You can also configure a ‘User profile’ that will be sent back to buddies that send you ‘@p’. See more under Setup.
The shareware version allows sending up to 30 messages before you get reminders about licensing Jiminy! SMS.
A commercial license can be obtained via clickapps. The received license key is entered in Setup.
Main Form
At the top you see the input field where you enter your outgoing messages. All sent and received messages will then appear in the chat log below. If the main form is filled up with messages you can scroll down in the list.
Main Menu
Depending on phone some of these menu entries might be placed on softkeys.
- Send: Sends the entered messages to all selected buddies
- Copy: Copies the last sent or received message as a basis for a new message
- Buddies: Enables selecting, adding, editing, deleting and calling buddies
- Phrases: Enables adding, editing and deleting phrases for quicker message writing
- Clear Log: Clears the chat log
- Recommend: Sends a recommendation message with a link to download Jiminy! SMS to selected buddies
- Setup: Configures user preferences
- Help: This text
- About: Provides information about the application, including some information about the phone you are running Jiminy! on
- Abiro: Goes to Abiro’s mobile site
- Exit: Exits Jiminy! SMS
Select Buddies
You reach this form by choosing Buddies in the main menu. You select which buddies you want to send messages to. A message is sent to all selected buddies simultaneously.
- Manage: Opens a new form for managing buddies
- Done: Exits back to the main form
Manage Buddies
You come here from Select Buddies when you select Manage. Here you add, edit, delete and call buddies. Buddies are automatically sorted. You can save up to 20 buddies. You can’t overwrite existing buddies with the same name.
Note that if you want the buddy’s phone number replaced by that buddy’s name you need to add a fully qualified number with “+” and country code, even if you send to a buddy in your own country.
- Add: Adds a new buddy
- Edit: Edits an existing buddy
- Delete: Deletes an existing buddy
- Call: Calls a buddy; many phones also support sending SMS, save a contact etc via the same function
- Done: Exits back the Select Buddies form
Here you can add your own custom messages for quicker chatting. After inserting a message you can edit it on the main form. Phrases are automatically sorted. You can save up to 20 phrases.
- Insert: Inserts a phrase into the message field; you can also click on the Select button
- Add: Adds a new phrase
- Edit: Edits an existing phrase
- Delete: Deletes an existing phrase
- Done: Exits back to the main form
Setup provides options that control your experience of Jiminy!.
- User profile: Enter any message here that others can request by sending ‘@p’ to your phone; you can of course do the same to request your buddies’ user profiles
- Alias: A short text that is sent with each message to show who you are
- Chat log: Settings that relate to the chat log:
- Show number or buddy: Controls the display of the phone number on incoming messages; if there’s an exact match of the phone number to a certain buddy, that buddy’s name is shown instead of the number
- Small font: Uses a small or medium sized font for the chat log (some phones don’t support this)
- Save: Saves the 20 latest chat log messages
- Alerts: Settings for how you want to get notified of incoming messages (note that some might not work on your specific phone):
- Beep: Sounds a beep
- Light: Turns on the display light
- Vibrate: Vibrates the phone
- Auto-start: Starts Jiminy! SMS on incoming messages
- License key: See the section about Licensing above.
Jiminy! SMS has been found to work flawlessly on the following phones, except where noted. Likely it will work fine on many other phones as well, as long as they support MIDP 2.0 and sending/receiving SMS from within Java applications, but Abiro can’t guarantee this. We therefore recommend you to download the trial and see for yourself.
- Nokia 6230
- Nokia 6270
- Nokia 6600 (no support for Vibrate)
- Siemens M65
- Siemens S75
- Siemens ME75
- Samsung D500
- Samsung D600
- Sony Ericsson K500i
- Sony Ericsson K600i
- Sony Ericsson K608i
- Sony Ericsson K700i
- Sony Ericsson M600i
- Sony Ericsson P990i
- Sony Ericsson W810i
- Sagem myX5-2
- Motorola E1000