Update: CliqTags™, the Web app for managing smart content for QR Codes has been released. Check it out at http://cliqtags.com/.
Definitely not the first, neither is it the last (rest assured):
It has a few features that are slightly unique, that might make it worth your while:
- Simple selection of content type via tabs
- Some content types seldomly seen elsewhere (Contact, Location)
- Two modes of location, including an Abiro-hosted map application
- Link shortening for Link/URL, Contact and Facebook Like
- Target scripts for handling Location (showing a map) and Facebook Like (unshortening of link and performing Like)
- Coloring of created QR Codes (with color picker)
- All information displayed on a single screen
- Embedded presentation about why and how to use QR Codes
I’ve noticed that QR Code apps are quite tolerant to colors, as long as foreground and background colors are reasonable different (duh!).
Of note:
- jQuery came in very handy for the tabs and color picker
- Even though the markup is quite verbose, everything’s scripted, including creating different fields for different tabs, so the source code is quite maintainable
- A modified version of the phpqrcode library is used for generating the QR Codes
- It took slightly more than a workday to implement, yet with long pauses (meetings, movies etc)
- It’s slightly experimental, so layout and types may change