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Twitter’s new tune

As hinted in Twitter on the march to profitability, the good old Twitter is gone, that allowed third party to use its brand, profit from ads in tweets etc, and Twitter is more and more becoming the real company they should have been from the start.

“Developers have told us that they’d like more guidance from us about the best opportunities to build on Twitter. More specifically, developers ask us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience. The answer is no,”

Of course no developer has asked about that second point. That’s just corporate speak.

“Twitter is under enormous pressure from its investors to raise revenue in time to take advantage of the IPO window opening up for social networking sites. Unfortunately, there are signs that Twitter views third party developers as competitors for their ad dollars,”

Of course they do (and note the ‘ad dollars’ part, instead of just profitability in general, considering there’s only ads that can provide revenue). That’s the whole point of changing the terms and conditions.

It seems it’s time for third party developers to go elsewhere, or take a job at Twitter. I’ll keep Twitizer running of course.